🐲 Year of the Dragon

Happy Lunar New Year all!

The Lunar New Year, or Spring Festival, is a time of celebration and renewal in Chinese culture. It marks the transition from one animal sign to another in the Chinese zodiac. On February 10, 2024, we will enter the Year of the Dragon.

Guess who’s a dragon? 😄

Dragon people are charismatic, ambitious, adventurous, and fearless. They have confidence, independence, and vision. They are not afraid to pursue their dreams and goals.

And more specifically…

The Year of the Wood Dragon 2024 is also known as Yang Wood on Dragon, or Jia Chen 甲辰 in Chinese. The fixed element of the Dragon (Chen) is Earth (Wu 戊), which represents stability, honesty and loyalty. The variable element of the Dragon in 2024 is Yang Wood, or Jia 甲, representing growth, creativity and flexibility.

The Wood Dragon is the most creative and visionary of the dragons. They are optimistic, ambitious and adventurous. They like to explore new ideas and challenge themselves. They are also generous, compassionate and loyal to their friends.

Therefore, the Year of the Dragon in 2024 is expected to be a time of visionary leaders, innovators and problem solvers. 2024 is also predicted to be a great year to start new projects, explore new opportunities and create value for yourself and others.

From https://www.thechinesezodiac.org/year-of-the-dragon/


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